
World Water Day 2023: A Commitment to Environmental Sustainability in the Province of Vicenza

Today, March 22, 2023, we celebrate #WorldWaterDay, a day established by the United Nations 30 years ago to raise global awareness about the importance of protecting our most precious resource: water. This year’s theme, #bethechange, invites everyone to become agents of the change we hope to see for a sustainable future.

In the Province of Vicenza, the cooperative La Casetta is embodying this principle through educational outings aimed at raising awareness among children and young people about environmental sustainability and water conservation. During these activities, young participants have the opportunity to learn about the importance of water and actively engage in its protection.

Thanks to the support of the Municipality of Bressanvido, the Cariverona Foundation, the Province of Vicenza, Latterie Vicentine, the Bressanvido Springs Committee, and the Vicenza Territorial School Office, these initiatives are achieving great success. The educators of the La Casetta cooperative are organizing engaging workshops that not only educate but also inspire young people to become agents of change for the future.

The activities carried out during the workshops are documented with photographs showing the enthusiasm and commitment of the participants. The positive feedback received attests to the effectiveness of the project and confirms that the path taken is the right one.

Join us in celebrating World Water Day and in our commitment to a more sustainable world. Every small gesture can make a difference.

#WorldWaterDay #bethechange #riscopro #risorgive #NewGeneration #educationaloutings #environmentalprotection #environmentalenhancement

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