We are pleased to announce the successful conclusion of the final educational outing of the RiScopro project, marking the end of a two-year journey filled with meaningful experiences and discoveries. Over this period, nearly 1,600 students had the opportunity to explore the Risorgive di Bressanvido, a vital biodiversityThe coexistence of different animal and plants species within the same ecosystem, the mutual interactions of those species creates a balanced environment. More hotspot located within a densely urbanized area.
A particularly memorable moment was our recent visit with the children from the “Ai caduti” preschool in Bressanvido. During this activity, the young explorers identified and named the trees along the Risorgiva Lirosa. From now on, visitors to the Lirosa will be able to see the photos and names of the plants that characterize this area. This event provided a fitting conclusion to the RiScopro project, demonstrating how environmental education can start from an early age.
We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who participated in and supported the success of this project. Your enthusiasm and support were crucial in achieving our goals and promoting environmental awareness among new generations.
The RiScopro project was made possible through the collaboration of the Municipality of Bressanvido and the cooperative La Casetta, with significant contributions from the Fondazione Cariverona. We also appreciate the support received from the Province of Vicenza, Latterie Vicentine, the Comitato Risorgive Bressanvido, and the Ufficio Scolastico Territoriale di Vicenza. A special thanks goes to Chiara Bertacco, Environmental Hiking Guide, for her invaluable collaboration.
Upcoming Developments: As we approach the new school year, the RiScopro project will undergo a transformation. While we will continue our commitment to environmental awareness and biodiversity promotion, the format and activities of the project will evolve. We will announce the new initiatives soon and are excited to continue our work with future generations.
For more details on the forthcoming changes and to stay updated on upcoming initiatives, please visit our website.
#RiScopro #EnvironmentalProtection #EnvironmentalEducation #Bressanvido #Conservation #Water #Sustainability #LivingNature #Biodiversity #RiSorgive #SustainableFuture #ProtectingThePlanet