Common duckweed

Aquatic freshwater plant found in ponds or slow-moving streams; its roots hang in the water making it a free floating plant.

Yellow loosestrife

Native to wetlands around ponds and streams, this tall plant grows up to 100-120 centimeters high and can be easily identified by its erect panicles of yellow flowers.

Water mint

Highly aromatic plant with lilac-pink flowers, found in ditches and small streams.

Balm-leaved archangel

A member of the family Labiatae, this plant produces deep-pink flowers in shaded areas during early summer. Balm-leaved archangel is common in freshwater environments as it likes damp, fertile soils rich in nitrogen.

Great horsetail

Equisetum is a plant of ancient origins and this species, the largest of the horsetails, is common in damp woodlands and in freshwater environments.

Water forget-me-not

Water forget-me-not can be found along riverbanks and its characteristic light-blue flowers appear during spring and summer.


Aquatic plant in the family Cruciferae that grows in thick drifts in sluggish streams; it blossoms in june-july producing small white flowers.

Purple loosestrife

Its lanceolate leaves are similar to the ones of willow and in spring it produces bright purple flower spikes.

Common hop

This climbing plant grows next to shrubs and tall grass it uses as a support and its sprouts, locally called “bruscandoli”, are used to make risotto and frittata.


This aquatic plant produces floating leaf rosettes and plays an important role in its environment by providing oxygen and shelter to small fish.

Yellow iris

In spring this perennial plant brightens up the margins of waterways with beautiful bright yellow flowers with the typical iris form.

Cutleaf water parsnip

Member of the Umbelliferae family, this plant typically resides by or in sluggish, shallow streams and the most part of its stem emerge from the water. 

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