
International Day for the Conservation of Frogs: An Initiative by the RiScopro Project

Today, April 28, we celebrate the #InternationalDay for the #ConservationOfFrogs, a crucial occasion to raise public awareness about the alarming situation of amphibians. In recent years, amphibian populations have been in constant decline due to habitat destruction.

According to the IUCN, the International Union for Conservation of Nature, over 41% of assessed amphibian species are classified as threatened. This alarming statistic reflects an environmental crisis that requires immediate and concrete action.

In the context of the Bressanvido Springs, the “rare frog” has not been present for several years. To address this issue, the Bressanvido Springs Committee is actively working to create a pond with still water to facilitate the repopulation of this species.

Amphibians are an essential component of ecosystems and often serve as bioindicators, providing valuable information about the health of rivers, lakes, and wetlands. Protecting them means preserving the balance and biodiversity of our environment.

The RiScopro project, aimed at environmental enhancement and raising awareness among new generations, has been made possible thanks to the support of the Municipality of Bressanvido and the cooperative La Casetta, with contributions from the Cariverona Foundation. Additionally, the project is supported by the Province of Vicenza, Latterie Vicentine, the Bressanvido Springs Committee, and the Vicenza Territorial School Office.

Through educational outings and initiatives focused on environmental and civic education, the RiScopro project continues to promote awareness and inclusion, educating young people about the protection of our natural heritage.

#riscopro #springs #NewGeneration #educationaloutings #environmentaleducation #civiceducation #inclusiveeducation

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