RiScopro project

Knowing to Protect, Knowing to Choose. The environmental education project at the Risorgive of Bressanvido (VI)

Bressanvido is a territory particularly rich in environmental and biodiversity aspects, thanks to the presence of the “Risorgive,” which are natural groundwater outcrops diverted to the surface by the presence of impermeable zones in the subsoil. These environments provide ideal habitats for many species of plants and animals, both aquatic and terrestrial, becoming an exceptional example of biodiversity.

In this context, RiScopro – Knowing to Protect, Knowing to Choose, was born, a project funded by the Cariverona Foundation with the goal of involving children and young people in the knowledge and protection of natural ecosystems and their traditions.

The project was carried out over two years, from September 2022 to September 2024, involving almost 1500 students.

During the second year, another 49 classes were involved, for about 900 students who visited the Risorgive of Bressanvido between September and the end of May.

The RiScopro project provided the opportunity to enhance and make this unique territory visitable for schools throughout the province.

Durante la seconda annualità sono state coinvolte altre 49 classi, per circa 900 alunni che hanno visitato le Risorgive di Bressanvido tra settembre e fine maggio.

Il progetto RiScopro ha dato l’opportunità di valorizzare e di rendere visitabile alle scuole di tutta la provincia questo territorio unico 

The project, carried out by the Municipality of Bressanvido together with the social cooperative La Casetta of Vicenza with the support of Latterie Vicentine, the Committee of Risorgive of Bressanvido, the Province, and the School Superintendent, received a contribution from the Cariverona Foundation, making all activities completely free for both schools and families.

The contribution from the Cariverona Foundation also enabled the setting up of a teaching room dedicated to the theme of the Risorgive and environmental education, which will remain available and be used even outside the RiScopro project for meetings, workshops, and activities.

For more information and details about the RiScopro

Organizations involved


RiScopro is a project of the Municipality of Bressanvido and La Casetta Social Cooperative

Municipality of Bressanvido
La Casetta Social Cooperative

With the contribution of


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With the contribution of