
RiScopro Project Updates: Santa Croce Summer Camp at the Bressanvido Springs

Exciting updates continue at the Bressanvido Springs. On July 7 and 8, 2023, we will have the pleasure of hosting the Santa Croce Summer Camp from Bassano del Grappa, welcoming 100 elementary and middle school children for an educational outing focused on discovery and environmental respect.

This collaboration is of great importance for two main reasons:

Awareness and Responsibility: It is a valuable opportunity to educate new generations on the protection of environmental biodiversity, promoting sustainable and conscious behaviors.
Project Expansion: The involvement of various local entities demonstrates the growth and impact of the RiScopro project in the province of Vicenza.
The RiScopro project has been realized thanks to the support of the Municipality of Bressanvido and the cooperative La Casetta, with the crucial contribution of the Cariverona Foundation. Additionally, the project benefits from the support of the Province of Vicenza, Latterie Vicentine, the Bressanvido Springs Committee, and the Vicenza Territorial School Office.

Through these initiatives, RiScopro continues to promote environmental and civic education, engaging young people in educational activities that foster inclusion and ecological awareness.

#riscopro #springs #NewGeneration #educationaloutings #environmentaleducation #civiceducation #inclusiveeducation

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