
Successful Launch of the “RiScopro: Learn to Protect, Learn to Choose” Project

Bressanvido, July 18, 2024 – Today marked the start of the “RiScopro: Learn to Protect, Learn to Choose” project, a new initiative aimed at raising environmental awareness among younger generations. The project, promising a spring full of meetings with schoolchildren, aims to educate them on the importance of environmental protection and enhancement through educational outings and hands-on activities.

The “RiScopro” project was made possible thanks to the support of the Municipality of Bressanvido and the cooperative La Casetta, with contributions from Fondazione Cariverona. Additionally, the initiative has received backing from the Province of Vicenza, Latterie Vicentine, the Comitato Risorgive Bressanvido, and the Territorial School Office of Vicenza.

The educational outings planned as part of the project will focus on sustainability and environmental conservation topics, engaging students in practical and educational activities to help them better understand the importance of protecting our ecosystem.

We are excited about this new adventure and confident that “RiScopro” will represent a significant step forward in forming a new generation that is aware and active in safeguarding our planet.

#RiScopro #Risorgive #NewGeneration #EducationalOutings #EnvironmentalProtection #EnvironmentalEnhancement

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