
The Educational Activities of the RiScopro Project at the Bressanvido Springs Resume

The educational activities of the RiScopro project at the Bressanvido Springs have officially resumed!

In recent weeks, we have welcomed several high school classes, engaging them in activities such as water quality sampling and analysis. Guided by experts from Viacqua Spa, supporters of the project, students had the opportunity to learn firsthand the importance of environmental protection and spring conservation.

With equal enthusiasm, we have resumed excursions and activities with primary school children. The first outing of this school year was a great success, receiving immediate thanks and appreciation from the accompanying teacher. Educating the youngest about environmental protection is a fundamental pillar of our commitment, as we believe that ecological awareness should begin at an early age.

The RiScopro project has been realized thanks to the collaboration of the Municipality of Bressanvido and the cooperative La Casetta, with the contribution of the Cariverona Foundation, and the support of the Province of Vicenza, Latterie Vicentine, the Bressanvido Springs Committee, Viacqua Spa, and the Vicenza Territorial School Office.

We are excited to continue these initiatives that combine practical learning and fun, raising awareness among the younger generations about the protection of our precious spring ecosystem.

Stay tuned for updates on our activities and to find out how you can contribute to environmental protection with us.

#RiScopro #Springs #EducationalOutings #EnvironmentalEducation #Sampling #WaterAnalysis #Recycling #Reuse #OutdoorActivities #Inclusion

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